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Avoid Disasters:

The photo right was taken shortly after one of Los Angeles' numerous earthquakes where a competitor's shelving system sustained serious damage. As the photo shows, the shelving itself failed, despite the addition of x-braces, which are designed to protect against "racking" (i.e. side to side movement of the shelving).

Additionally, the "vibration proof fastener" that attached the shelving to the mobile carriage snapped, allowing the shelving to break away and inflict even more damage to the shelving and it's contents. Upon closer examination, you can see that the fastener is no more than a sheet metal screw through an angle bracket, the most common method of securing shelving to carriages in use by the industry outside of Elecompack.


Elecompack comes through for Paramount

This is a copy of a letter we received from Paramount Pictures after the 1994 earthquake that devastated parts of Southern California. 




Copyright 2004-2014 Elecompack / Website by GMS Productions (www.gmsproductions.com)